... in the last couple of months, I would have covered a few interesting topics.
I probably would have talked about getting sick and my experiences going to the doctor here in Bucheon. The illness itself was fairly interesting. The doctor was emphatic that it was the flu. I'm still not sure. I may have brought up my stories about sitting on a respirator type machine every couple of days "receiving medicine" in front of a waiting room full of staring people. I could also have talked about the cute little sachets full of colourful pills.
Then I might have mentioned getting sick AGAIN due to a lowered immunity caused by anti-biotics.
I would have talked about my massively increased sugar intake and my fears of diabetes. I have become especially fond of icecream. They even have mint choc chip here. One of my all time favourites.
I most certainly would have blogged about how much teaching on my own I have had to do and also how much time I have spent in an almost empty elementary school. I would have voiced how creepy this can sometimes be on the dark winter days.
I would have discussed my romantic notions of snow and its reality. I still love it though!
I would have talked about my loneliness. I would be quick to add how this is not always a bad thing. You don't necessarily want other people around for every new experience.
I would have told you about my new friends. Some happy and sad occasions, and how much can happen between people in a few short months. This is especially true in Korea where everyone seems to be in such a hurry.
I would have revealed my stories about Valentine's Day, and my new great haul of chocolate from 12 and 13 year old girls and one or two teachers. I would definitely have said how strange it is here. That only the women do the giving as men are expected to give candy (not chocolate) on "White" Day (I'm not sure I got the name right). March 14th. Commerrrrrrrrcialism!
Perhaps I would have talked more about the Pompidou and Rubens art exhibitions I have visited and how they inspired me to go out and buy a canvas and some paints... and then just paint another zombie picture.
I could have blogged about the most amazing smorgasbord I went to. My first time eating REAL crab - not surimi. I could also have mentioned more unappetizing food experiences - having a plate of some mystery chopped up creature still writhing placed in front of me. All I know is it came from the sea. Originally.
There's probably other cool stuff I've forgotten. Thank you Thesaurus.com for helping me with some alternatives to "mentioned".
I would have (probably more than once) expressed my excitement about going home to NZ for a week, and how the principal of my school genuinely believes that I am not coming back! Despite my best assurances.
Anyways I leave for the "homeland" in a few hours! I better get ready.
Kiwis - Look out for me!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Change Of Address
Congratulations if you find this new home for my blog. I had to move. Bad neighbourhood. Also a friendly (yet important) warning if you visited me at my last address, you might wanna get yourself tested. There were a few bugs going around. Sorry about that. I'd like to know what kinda Country Fried Mother Beaver is responsible for that spyware shit. I'd love to comment further on the matter but I don't fully understand what happened other than the fact I had a hard time with the old blog and I hope this one runs a bit smoother.
And in case you didn't understand that - I haven't actually moved house. Just blog location.
Let's face it, I had my blog where it was it was attached to my website, and I'm not in a huge hurry to get that off the ground presently. Too many Korean kids really wanna speak English the kiwi way right now. I will concentrate more on the artworks later. I must say though... I'm soooooo tempted to grab a canvas and paints from the art shop and start painting. Especially since visiting the Pompedou exhibition at the Seoul Museum of Art yesterday - Basically a pretty decent-sized exhibiton of ... Frenchiness. Picasso's not French is he? No. Okay most of it was French - A little hard to tell when everything there's either written in Korean or French, and you can't be bothered hiring an English audio tour thingee. Anyways, nice paintings.
I have been super-slack with the photography lately so it's been a great time to not do any blog posts I guess. Although I have also been doing a bit of sightseeing/exploring so it's a pity I have been so useless with the picture taking. Oops.
It's warmer. The snow's all melted. I'm coming home for a few days (it's gonna be weird for just a few days) for a wedding at the beginning of March! Better not rain those few days.
I miss you guys!
This is like a castle or something in Seoul...
I think this is a clothing store.
Oh, now I get it. I was too hungry to wonder why none of you guys were wearing the "traditiona
Buildings... a bit different from the paddocks we live in ay!
mmmm. Lovely cuppa.
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