Saturday, February 7, 2009

Change Of Address

Hi. Long time no ... uh ... see ...
Congratulations if you find this new home for my blog. I had to move. Bad neighbourhood. Also a friendly (yet important) warning if you visited me at my last address, you might wanna get yourself tested. There were a few bugs going around. Sorry about that. I'd like to know what kinda C
ountry Fried Mother Beaver is responsible for that spyware shit. I'd love to comment further on the matter but I don't fully understand what happened other than the fact I had a hard time with the old blog and I hope this one runs a bit smoother.
And in case you didn't unde
rstand that - I haven't actually moved house. Just blog location.
Let's face it, I had my blog where it was it was attached to my website, and I'm not in a huge hurry to get that off the ground presently. Too many Korean kids really wanna speak English the kiwi way right now. I will concentrate more on the artworks later. I must say though... I'm soooooo tempted to grab a canvas and paints from the art shop and start painting. Especially since visiting the Pompedou exhibition at the Seoul Museum of Art yesterday - Basically a pretty decent-sized exhibiton of ... Frenchiness. Picasso's not French is he? No. Okay most of it was French - A little hard to tell when everything there's either written in Korean or French, and you can't be bothered hiring an English audio tour thingee. Anyways, nice paintings.

I have been super-slack with the photography lately so it's been a great time to not do any blog posts I guess. Although I have also been doing a bit of sightseeing/exploring so it's a pity I have been so useless with the picture taking. Oops.
It's warmer. The snow's all melted. I'm coming home for a few days (it's gonna be weird for just a few days) for a wedding at the beginning of March! Better not rain those few days.
I miss you guys!

This is like a castle or something in Seoul...

I think this is a clothing store.

Oh, now I get it. I was too hungry to wonder why none of you guys were wearing the "traditiona
l" galbi bib. Oh har bloody har.

Buildings... a bit different from the paddocks we live in ay!

mmmm. Lovely cuppa.


1 comment:

  1. Hallo welcomes to chogblot I have a site here too, you may find some interesting content there.

    I didn't know Koreans drank/smoked a lot of dry ice - does it have kimchi in it?

    Hey, the comment process is different now, and my CAPTCHA word is "diviles".
